Hamlet marked a return to the good old days of true Bacchanals no-frill poverty with everyone doing everything from playing the Prince of Denmark through to washing the dishes during the interval. So to the best of our knowledge, there are no photographs of the 2006 Hamlet in performance (and if you know of any, please tell us!). Instead we hope you enjoy these photographs of the play in rehearsal, taken by Karin Reinholt in November 2006 at the Tararua Tramping Clubrooms and at the Wellington Arts Centre.

John Smythe (Polonius) and Simon Vincent (Hamlet) rehearse the fishmonger scene while Erin Banks watches in amusement.

James Stewart (Horatio) and Simon Vincent (Hamlet) see something exciting at the other end of the traverse.

Hamlet asks Horatio and Marcellus to swear by his, erm, sword.

Phil Peleton passionately asks Simon whether he's meant to be playing the Ghost or Claudius in this scene.

"What do you mean, you're still on the book? I've got 1500 lines!" Phil Grieve is the First Player, Salesi Le'ota is Guildenstern and Simon is Hamlet.

The arrival of the Players, including Jack O'Donnell, James Stewart, Walter Plinge, Jonny Potts, Phil Peleton and Phil Grieve.

Simon Vincent as Hamlet.

Either Rosencrantz and Hamlet are watching the play-within-a-play, or Alex Greig and Simon Vincent are enjoying one of David's long rants about how great Hamlet is.

Jean Copland (Gertrude) and Phil Peleton grapple with David's rewrites for Act IV while Simon copes with a lack of rehearsal room chairs.

Phil Grieve as the Player King and Simon Vincent as Hamlet.

Simon looks for a praying King to contemplate murdering.

Simon Vincent as Hamlet.

Ginny Spackman and Jonny Potts restrain Hamlet while the King, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern look on.

Jean Copland as Gertrude and Erin Banks as Ophelia.

Ginny, Jonny and Phil listen to Simon tell how a king may go a progress through the guts of a beggar.

Salesi as Guildenstern and Alex as Rosencrantz.

Erin Banks as Ophelia.

Phil, Ginny, Simon, Jonny.

"O my offence is rank!" Phil prays while Simon stalks.

Simon Vincent as Hamlet.